What's The Best Cat Litter For Your Cat?

What's The Best Cat Litter For Your Cat?

Many cat homeowners take cat litter as a right however the truth is cat litter is a comparatively modern invention and prior to its introduction many house owners would use a field crammed with dust, ashes, sand or some comparable material. This obviously had issues in each maintaining the litter field and preserving the home clean because the cat tended to trace the litter everywhere in the house.

In 1947 Ed Lowe gave some absorbent clay referred to as Fuller’s Earth that he sold to manufacturing companies to a neighbor that had a cat to replace the litter they have been using and it turned out to work very well. He started promoting his kitty litter to local pet shops where it was an instantaneous hit and the kitty litter industry as we all know it at this time was born. Further advancements in litter technology embody the introduction of the Tidy Cat brand in 1964 and the world’s first clumping litter in 1984.

The best way modern cat litter works is by absorbing cat urine and protecting solid waste so bacteria won't develop and cause odors and could be constructed from something that absorbs moisture like clay, sand, newspaper, grains and even wooden chips.

There are primary varieties of cat litter accessible today; clumping and non-clumping and they can be bought both scented or unscented.

Contact information The benefit of a clumping litter is that moisture will make the litter stick together in little clumps or balls so it may be scooped out simply and disposed of. Due to this ease of use the clumping variety of kitty litter is essentially the most popular.

Just as you might need your preferences for a given product a cat too will seemingly prefer one litter sort over another. Finding the appropriate cat litter generally is a matter of trial and error however you will know pretty quickly in case your cat doesn’t like the litter you're using as they'll cease utilizing their litter box.

It's not uncommon for homes with a number of cats to use a number of litter type as one cat might like a scented brand while one other could favor unscented. If you wish to keep your cat happy and utilizing their litter box repeatedly take the time to find a litter they like.

When picking a litter think about the following:

Does Your Cat Like It?

Many cats like litter that has a more sand-like texture as they'll cowl waste higher than they will with pellet based or shredded litter.

Scented litter and litters that create mud can irritate your kitty’s nose.

Is It Straightforward To Use?

Can it be flushed down the bathroom?

Does it create a minimal amount of dust? This keeps your cat from monitoring litter all around the house.

Does it soak up urine properly and clump simply collectively for scooping?

Does it control cat urine odor successfully?

Is it simple to clean out the litter field or does the litter stick with the field?

Is it reasonably priced?

Is It Environmentally Friendly And Secure?

Is it biodegradable?

Is it non-poisonous?

Does it contain any harsh chemicals or dyes?

Within the next article we will speak more about cat litter and the different types available.